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Hotel Discounts & Promo Codes

It's not as difficult as you might think it is to find a cheap hotel or resort in Las Vegas. The key to finding Las Vegas hotel discounts is to book during times in which the properties need your business. If you're planning on staying in town longer than a weekend, summer months are more affordable during the week. There are fewer conventions going on in the city and more rooms to go around. As such, hotels need to fill those vacant rooms and will compete for your business to do so.

Last Minute Las Vegas Hotel Deals

Many people book their Las Vegas hotel in advance, but some hotels may offer special deals to people who show up later so they can offer empty rooms at a discounted price. They figure it's better to get something for the rooms rather than letting them stay empty. People also cancel rooms at the last minute, making them available for travelers who arrive late. However, don't assume you'll get a last minute Las Vegas hotel or resort deal. You may not find any Las Vegas hotels with vacancies if it is a busy weekend or busy time of year. You can find cheap Las Vegas hotels primarily by shopping around.

Hotel-Only Deals

Search through our hotel and resort pages and compare prices. You can also find a variety of coupon codes and promotions that you can use at individual hotels throughout Las Vegas.

Hotels offer deals for online customers who reserve their rooms in advance. That's because discounters buy up huge blocks of rooms from the hotel owners at a cheaper rate. They then sell those rooms to customers at a discount. We also link directly to individual Vegas hotels with great promos.

Hotel & Flight Package Deals

The easiest way to snatch up a great cheap Vegas vacation is to get a Las Vegas package deal. Book your flight along with a hotel at the same time. Many hotels and airlines work together to offer Las Vegas specials. MGM, Caesars, and Wynn are examples of luxury hotels and resorts that offer great deals and discounts through travel websites when you book your flight and accommodations together.

Package specials and deals sell out fast during peak times in the city, such as Valentine's Day (because of all the weddings), Fourth of July, and popular holidays that allow people to enjoy three-day weekends. The hot summer months can be the busiest time for weekend getaways. However, summer weekend specials in Las Vegas can be found at resorts and hotels. Las Vegas is always buzzing, even in the off-season - which is generally late November to early February.