Best things to do in Las Vegas in September 2017

Best things to do in Las Vegas in September 2017

  • #8906

    Itinerary title:Vegas Baby

    Date: 09/21/2017

    Las Vegas trip plans
    looking to have the full vegas experience, grand canyon, pool parties, shows. we also want to be able to take in the sun and enjoy some down time. our goal is to leave thinking we experienced all that we could

    Hotel: MGM Grand

    Size of the group
    – Guys:
    – Girls: 2

    Is limo required?: No

    Are tickets already booked? Time:
    Need help finding the best show or event? Yes. Budget per person: $30 – $50

    Selected night club:
    Budget per person: N/A

    Preferred food: healthy but filling . Budget per person: $30 – $50
    Quick drink + mingle? Yes
    Free limo and no cover to a strip club Yes

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  • #8915
    Las Vegas Concierge

    For Grand Canyon and tours visit Tours.

    For events and what’s happening please search from home page

    Let us know which clubs interest you and we can help you get in touch with the right people for guest list.

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